Trafalgar to Piccadilly: The Best History of 2005

Peter Furtado reports on the awards for 2005 given by History Today.

The History Today awards celebrate the best of what’s new in history every year: what an excellent crop it is this year! From ancient Pompeii to Elizabethan England to the battle of Trafalgar to homosexual life in early twentieth-century London, the topics covered are as diverse as history itself, while the presentation of every one of the shortlisted books is exceptionally accessible. Whereas in previous years some of our recommended titles have had a dauntingly academic quality to them, all those listed this year are truly engaging for all readers of the magazine.

Book of the Year

This award, worth £1,000, is given by the Longman/History Today Trust, for an author’s first or second book.  The judges were professors Jeremy Black, Julian Jackson and Miri Rubin.

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